MK67 - Bryan Kim & Zave Forster - Social & housing justice for the homeless community

Bryan Kim is a 34-year-old Yellow American revolutionary from Shingle Springs, CA. He is the co-founder and Financial Director of the People's Housing Project, a grassroots organization that provides emergency shelters and support services like trash/needle pickup and toilets to houseless camps in Portland. He also serves as the Political Director for Decriminalize Nature Portland, an organization dedicated to decriminalizing the cultivation and personal ceremonial use of psychedelic plants and fungi for mental health and spiritual growth. 

Since his start with climate justice at Greenpeace in 2011, Bryan has been a leader and organizer for social and housing justice. In 2013, he founded Moderate Majority Foundation, which gave grants to veterans in San Diego on the edge of homelessness to keep them in their housing, and for which he served as Executive Director for 4 years. In 2018, he ran for Congress in CA-53 as an independent progressive. 

The work of his life is to elevate the consciousness of oppressed peoples in such a way that will result in them taking concrete action towards the end of their oppression. His political inspirations are Huey P. Newton and John Brown. His spiritual inspirations are Miyamoto Musashi and the historical Jesus. 

"In His House at Lake Merritt 

Dead Huey Waits, Dreaming"

In this episode, Bryan and Zave talk to Maxwell about houseless, homeless, peoples housing project, emergency shelters, shelter is a human right, mental health issues, hard to get identification, sweeps destroy important documents, city wastes money, handing out tents and sleeping bags, job interviews, high rate of queer youth, capitalist politics, Kaiser, Blue Cross, Phizer, Andrew Carnegie, banning the feeding of the homeless, and addiction support.