MK66 - Jaime Mathis - Religious cult survivor & world traveler discussing her story & struggle

Jaime Mathis is a world-traveler, educator, yogini, childhood cancer survivor, mother, community advocate, and managed to successfully leave the religious cult she was raised in. She thrives in Milwaukie, Oregon and has written several books and tended many chickens. You can find out more about her work at:

In this episode, Jaime and Maxwell discuss caraoke, Borat, Laura Linney, England, Windsor, Ozark, acting, life coach, who am I, the shadow, the big secret, nervous breakdown, Bangkok, Thailand, September 11th, Adventist, Walla Walla, childhood cancer, OHSU, Saturday Jesusland, interracial relationships, getting drunk for the first time, Ireland, backpacking Italy and Switzerland, and Princess Diana.