MK71 - Michelle Harris - Conflict Resolution & Restorative Justice education with Freed Minds

Michelle Harris is a Masters student in the Conflict Resolution program at PSU. She is graduating this Spring with an MS for her work in the field of Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices in Education. Michelle holds several positions at PSU including helping to develop the PSU Rebound program through her thesis project work with PSU Higher Education in Prison Program, as well as other on campus departments, Students Leadership positions, and her position as a Coordinating Director of the Freed Minds student group. 

The Mission of Freed Minds (previously known as the Justice Impacted Student Group) is to provide a framework for supporting a community of scholars wishing to counter the adverse impacts of mass-incarceration with the empowerment of knowledge and inclusion. This Mission will be approached by providing support, advocacy, identification & navigation of resources, and a community centered on the empowerment of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals through access and attainment of education.

After graduation, Michelle will begin her doctorate work pursuing an Educational Doctorate Degree with the plan of continuing her work helping others access higher education in an equitable and affordable way. In addition to her work, Michelle is a mom, partner, and community volunteer. 

Michelle Harris,

Peer Support Specialist, PSU Rebound

Graduate Student Ambassador

Graduate Admissions

503-725-8410 | (800) 547-8887 ext. 58410

The Graduate School | Portland State University

Coordinating Director of Operations

Freed Minds Student Group

ASPSU Senator; Legislative Affairs Committee, Academic Affairs Committee

Graduate Student, Conflict Resolutions

Restorative Justice / Restorative Practices

Leadership Fellow, Student Sustainability Center

Intern, The PSU Landing at FUMC, Student Leaders for Service

Student Community Engagement Center Advisory Board, Vice-Chair  

Portland State University 

Peace and Justice Studies Association, Mini-Grant Program Co-Coordinator