MK31 - Dean Olson - The pros and cons of life in the Navy and becoming an aerial map maker

Dean Olson is a Navy veteran, map maker, political enthusiast, and self-proclaimed Marxist.

In this episode, Dean and Maxwell discuss the Navy, moving from Bellingham to Los Angeles, choosing a profession when you're only 19, electrical engineering, San Francisco State, going back to college at 29, San Fernando Valley, Cal State Northridge, wanting to live in the city, coffee shops, claim jumper shoestring fries, having no direction, secondary education is very expensive, joining the Navy, getting brainwashed, disconnecting from a previous life, not being allowed to read, group mentality, Great Lakes, IL, September by Earth, Wind, and Fire, always waiting in line for something, no salt, no caffeine, feeling like you got kidnapped, Virginia Beach November 2007, bullshit watches that don't mean anything, having to wear a uniform all the time, drinking beer is a reward, liberty phases, satellite imagery interpreting, naval intelligence, 860 foot long ships, tanks that float in water and drive on land, trying to find purpose, Catch 22 - Joseph Heller, Friday - Rebecca Black, getting older, breaking rhythms and patterns, feeling like you are missing out on something, life is easy = makes us search for conflict, hunter gatherers, retiring, being appreciated, Karl Marx, socialism is a dirty word, trying to tank GameStop, jobs that don't matter, welfare state, the American Dream, helping someone is wrong because they aren't trying hard enough, wording is important for polling, and re-imagining conversations so that things are not tied to political parties.