MK60 - Julia Kita - Former exotic dancer & current Portland pole dance studio owner

Julia Kita is the owner of a pole dance studio in Portland.  She started as an exotic dancer while in college, and continues to grow her business, skill set, and the pole community.

In this episode, Julia and Maxwell discuss pole dancing, exotic dancing, Salem, wanting to connect with people, escapism, becoming a different person, unplugging from real life, auditioning, Sugar Shack, wearing someone else’s heels, being introverted, clothing requirements, makeup requirements, having an image to uphold, hiding the job from a boyfriend, weekdays are slow, weekends are busy, choosing your song to dance to, Casa Diablo, pole height, getting attention, being attractive and friendly and kind to someone you don’t know, getting hit on, and marriage proposals.

MK59 - Taylor Canoso - Navigating life with kids during divorce

Taylor Canoso is a mother of two boys, volleyball coach and club director.  When she’s not working, she enjoys being outside, hiking, running, and fly fishing.

In this episode, Taylor and Maxwell discuss divorce, having kids, changing focus, seeking support from your spouse, unconditional love, relationship strife, growing apart, dealing with emotion, avoiding situations, walking away when things get hard, getting married young, choosing the wrong person, changing over your twenties, meeting in the church, identity based on Christianity, learning to communicate, misinterpreting people, being unable to picture a future together, waiting for an excuse, feeling guilt, what will this do to the kids, seeing your parents fight, finding happiness and fly fishing. 

MK58 - Tim Beeker - Religious author discussing Torah, the Christian Bible, and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Tim Beeker is a lifelong learner, mild provocateur, deep, dark humored, mild-mannered (most of the time), and always up for deeper conversation regarding psychology, philosophy, and religion.  He's a public speaker, writer, photographer, and a voice-over wannabe.

In this episode, Tim and Maxwell discuss Torah, first five books of the Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, Christianity, Adam & Eve, Young Earth believers, Easter, Shabbat, Anti-Christ, Isreal, famine, pandemics, was Jesus a real person, Dead Sea Scrolls, Joseph Smith, and Wiccans.

The Gold of Torah The Silver of Messiah The Copper of Judgment:: 50+ Arguments Supporting Messianic Apologetics

MK57 - Ashlen Hilliard - Helping religious victims escape Utah cults

Ashlen Hilliard is a student in the MSc program in the Psychology of Coercive Control from the University of Salford and currently works for the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) as Director of Events.

Before ICSA, she worked as a case manager in Salt Lake City, Utah helping individuals leaving polygamist groups out west.  Ashlen relocated to Portland, Oregon in 2020 where she became involved in local Spiritual Abuse Forum for Education (SAFE) Meetups for survivors of cultic and spiritual abuse. More information on SAFE can be found at

She has presented at multiple ICSA conferences on a variety of topics and has been interviewed on podcasts. She published an article in ICSA Today 10.2 / 2019 on, The Genesis, Text, and Implications of Utah House Bill 214: Office for Victims of Crime Amendments. She was also featured in the article: Woodstock woman combats cults, heals survivors of spiritual abuse.

Ashlen loves living in Portland, Oregon with her partner Ryan, their blind dog Hamilton, and their cat Ferguson.  Ashlen can be contacted at

In this episode, Ashlen and Maxwell discuss Polygamy, The Church of Christ, hyper-conservative, Catholicism, Utah, Salt Lake City, Kaysville, Mormon, LDS, Church of Latter-day Saints, trying to convert people to different religions, Alexander Campbell, Joseph Smith, colonialism, hermeneutical methodology, recruiting people to the church, evangelism at Temple Square, polygamist groups, Kingstons, Kingston Clan, similar to the Mafia, preserving the blood line, Aryan, marrying young girls off early, inbreeding, white supremacy, tracking devices, and trying to save women leaving these groups.

MK54 - Kayci Mitchell - Using psychedelics to overcome childhood trauma and tragedy

Kayci Marie Mitchell is a Psychedelic integration coach, educator, journey guide and founder of “Into the looking glass”. She served as President of the board with Portland Psychedelic Society (PPS) 2020-2021 and currently facilitates 6 regular support and educational events with the organization per month. She is certified with Being True You coaching organization, Fired up for success Masterminds, is a gifted intuitive healer, licensed massage therapist, nutrition consultant and certified in numerous healing modalities. She has over 39 years in the field of addiction recovery working with 1000’s of individuals and their families to transform their lives.


Her journey integrating Psychedelics in her professional practice began 8 years ago at Crossroads, a premiere Ibogaine treatment center in Baja Mexico. She moved on to consult with numerous Ibogaine treatment facilities along with pre and post care clinics. During this time she became educated on the benefits of a wide range of psychedelic medicines to treat mental health conditions, addiction and for personal and spiritual growth. Her work is trauma informed, intuitive and draws on the vast knowledge and wisdom acquired over her lifetime. She currently offers coaching and educational services on the safe, conscious use of psychedelic medicines for macro journeys and micro dosing practices as well as guided journeys.

IG: Intothelookingglass.kmm

In this episode, Kayci and Maxwell discuss abstinence, Ibogaine, Iboga, opiates, alcohol, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, spiritual experiences, Tabernanthe tree, peyote, ayahuasca, Native Americans, mushrooms, Baja Mexico, Redondo Beach, DMT, 5-MeO DMT, lifestyle changes, Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, dopamine, holistic addiction recovery, macro dosing, micro dosing, flood doses, psychedelic experiences, journey through time, sacred geometry, resetting receptors, substance control act of 1970, schedule 1 drugs, hippies, Timothy Leary, peace and love, and being connected to a higher unified field.

MK53 - Emily Rose - Hypnosis as a therapy for re-wiring the brain after trauma

Emily Rose is a hypnotist, artist, human enthusiast and nature freak. As a practitioner, she helps her clients to heal from karmic wounds, anxiety, and early childhood imprints. As a spiritual being living a human experience, she spends her free time reading, painting, drawing, writing and learning everything she can about esoteric philosophy and the psychology of children. With a passion for life, she chooses to explore the unknown and everything that lies there.

In this episode, Emily and Maxwell discuss hypnosis, trance states, re-wiring the brain, past lives, recalling memories, inner child, critical mind, trauma, emotional healing, coping mechanisms, going into trance, channeling, quitting smoking, “Sybil”, Sally Field, split personality, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, parts integration, procrastinators, curing Alzheimer’s, helping people, mother-daughter wounding, communication, Ming-Chi Kuo, Meta, Facebook, metaverse, digital worlds, virtual reality, iPhone won’t exist in 10 years, generational gaps, digital avatar, hype houses, creating content for money, relationships, and faking who you are for likes.

MK52 - Brian Ravenswood - Donald Trump got elected because Hillary Clinton was not a good candidate

Brian Ravenswood is a political blogger living in the Pacific Northwest. A former New Yorker who worked in the hallowed halls of the establishment media as a designer, illustrator and graphic artist, he eventually burned out on the East Coast rat race and headed west for greener pastures. Fed up with our nation’s political turmoil, he launched a blog,, in order to be a voice of rational sanity in our insane world.

In this episode, Brian and Maxwell discuss Manhattan, greenwich village, art school, leftist, liberal, communist, Ronald Reagan, blue states, blue cities, Karl Marx, Soviet Union, majority of media comes from New York and Los Angeles, Civil war, leftism vs. liberalism, Bill of Rights, Donald Trump, JK Rowling, vaccinations, boosters, no more trust in politicians, democracy, industrializing space, World War 2, Hitler, fascism, Kyle Rittenhouse, and the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.

MK50 - Lisa Kendall - Escaping the religious cult known as "The Move of God"

Lisa Kendall received a BA in International Studies and a Master's in Public Relations from Portland State University. She was raised with limited education in “The Move of God” from the ages of nine to nineteen. She has published articles in newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and blogs including Ms. Magazine and CHILD, Inc., and done radio interviews and given presentations on cultic issues. 

The main focus of Lisa's work has been gaining protections for vulnerable people harmed in coercive groups. In addition, she has worked with families across the US in custody battles over relatives isolated cultic communities. She can be reached at

In this episode, Lisa and Maxwell discuss cults, The Catholic Church, coercive groups, Sam Fife’s “The Move of God”, having an unwanted child in the 1960’s, rape, violence and poverty are reasons for joining a cult, difficult to leave a cult, abortion, Mennonites, the world will end in 5 years, receiving a limited education, dropping out of high school, being sent to a work camp, labor trafficking, “farms” within the cult, no tv, no secular books, no friends outside the cult, King James Bible, Revelations, tax-exempt status, sharing a home with 27 people, day to day activities, babies being beaten with spoons, escaping, Scientology, and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

MK49 - Andrea Firpo - Trauma history, past lives, and how to heal your inner child

Andrea Firpo is a Soul Liberation and Embodiment Guide that empowers women to heal their trauma history, transcend wounding patterns and dispel self-limiting beliefs, so they can reconnect to their true self, and live in harmony with their inner child. Andrea teaches you how to relax into your body and stay present during somatic experiences using both modern and ancient wisdom practices, creating a friendship that will endure any of life’s challenges. Her methods are vast and dynamic, just like you, and customized to meet you wherever you are right now, to help you through whatever needs tending when it comes to your self-love, healing, wholeness, and liberation.

Join us at The Phoenix Immersion Retreat in Portland, OR November 12th, 13th, and 14th ►

FREE Guided Intuitive Meditation "Balance Your Energy For Calm And Protection” ►

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MK48 - Dallas Breed - What makes good music enjoyable no matter the genre

Dallas Breed is a transplant to the PNW by way of Arkansas. He is a musician, a thinker, a tinkerer, and not to be taken too seriously.

In this episode, Dallas and Maxwell discuss giving a speech at a wedding, pressure on primates, speaking skills for leaders, stage fright, performing music on-stage, Steven Tyler, Aerosmith, ears developing, music changes as you get older, Vanilla Ice, Mariah Carey, Hootie and the Blowfish, songs you’re not supposed to like, polka, region influences musical taste, American Music, industrialization of art, Taylor Swift, creating stars for money, taking risks, Ellis Island, genetics, chasing fame, NASA, firefighters, TikTok, good vs. new, playing blues guitar, Little Rock, Arkansas, John Mayer, Jack White, Bassnectar, classical composers, harmony, melody, physically feeling music, subwoofers, 1812 overture, symphonic howitzer technician, how to trigger a cannon, sheet music, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, tempo, quantizing music, Nickelback and nu-metal.

MK47 - Rob Bearden - If you want to change your career path you just need some courage

Rob Bearden is a mediator and amateur video editor that bills himself as the unwitting poster child for aging white men struggling to compensate for the sins of their fathers.

In this episode, Rob and Maxwell discuss the butterfly effect, joining the Navy, trying to become a draftsman, building bombs and missiles, working at a radio station, time salesman, being on-air, being artistic, trying to become a creative director, Eugene, OR, moving to San Diego with no plan, hair dye, Clairol, hair salons, cosmetology school, cutting hair, commercial construction, architecture, Holiday Inn Band, LSAT, becoming a lawyer, Lewis & Clark College, growing a family, getting married, going back to marketing, Ticketmaster, beer festivals, being an event promoter, 21 years at the Portland Art Museum, blue collar staff with white collar staff, becoming a mediator, driving UBER to get a break from mediating, and the ins and outs of working at an art museum.

MK41 - Kevin Kramer - How to become a legendary teacher and mythical wrestling coach

Kevin Kramer is a husband, father, retired English teacher, and wrestling coach.

In this episode, Kramer and Maxwell talk about turning passion into a career, starting to teach in 1979, being in high school is tough, kids taking Prozac and Adderall, “The Catcher in the Rye”, finding ways to reward efforts, high school is not the most important thing in your life, life highlights, career paths, dual-certification in History and English, having good mentors, wrestling was a doorway to a college degree, University of Oregon, changing majors, technology adjusting the way you do things in school, accountability and transparency, school shooters, mental health crisis, Ronald Reagan, getting news from social media, “The Social Dilemma”, confirmation bias, preparing kids to take tests - need to teach critical thinking instead, World War 2, Auschwitz, Dachau, differences in youth over the years, attention spans, trying to get kids to read classic books, attempting to understand people, “The Great Gatsby”, “The Iliad”, Homer, cutting curriculum in public schools, good vs. evil, duality, how everything is a story, and humans need a beginning and an end.

MK40 - Eloy Pando - An entrepreneur constantly on the hustle and aiming to change some lives

Eloy Pando was born in a small West Texas town named Sanderson, population around 800. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas. He graduated from Southwest High School in 1977. He is a father of two boys, Nicolas and Cody Pando, a grandfather of four boys, a great granddaughter, three step granddaughters and one step grandson. In Texas he worked in construction and oil fields. He was also a professional wrestler from 1980 to 1985, wrestling for various wrestling promotions in Texas, Louisiana and Georgia. In 1988, he and his family moved to The Dalles, Oregon where he worked for the City of The Dalles Public Works for 16 years. He now works for Full Sail Brewing Company and owns and operates Pando Production Studios LLC. He produces radio shows and commercials for Gorge Country Media’s Spanish station 103.1 FM Radio LAZER, various festivals and concerts in the Mid Columbia Gorge.

In this episode, Eloy and Maxwell discuss heat waves, Phoenix, AZ, dry heat vs. humidity, chickens tell you the temperature, San Antonio, TX, Sanderson, TX, learning to speak Spanish, Tejanos, Spanglish, grandfather from Spain, slang, married Catholic priest, leaving the church, coal mines, racism in Texas, marrying into a culture to conquer, racism in the south vs. the northwest, migrant workers experiencing racism in The Dalles, getting hired after someone has a heart attack, prisoners working time off at Public Works, Full Sail brewing company, Union Vice President, being an interpreter for the State, drug busts, raiding a picker camp, domestic violence calls, the fear of INS is instilled in people, hiring illegal workers, AM/FM, Q104 radio station, 100,000 watts of power, having to follow FCC rules, becoming a professor at CGCC, winning a contest for creating a radio show at 16 years old, selling the radio show to the station, building a house from scratch, family dynamics, professional wrestling, being the “bad guy”, and traveling longs distances to perform.